Tuesday, January 28, 2020

So Sentimental Set & Peaceful Poppy Paper from Mini Catalog AND...........A NEW GAME FOR YOU TO PLAY AND WIN......KEEP READING!!

Before I tell you about what you have a chance to win-- lets take a look at my card sample for today shall we?

This card was simple to make and the beautiful Peaceful
Poppies Designer Series Paper is the star of the show!!
I used both sides of the same pc. of paper to show the
contrast in patterns.

Other StampinUP Products used include:
--Red Rhinestone Basic Jewels
--Vellum Card Stock
--Stitched So Sweetly Dies
--So Sentimental Stamp Set

If you have any questions about this card,
please ask away!!  LORI

Okay, now more about my game.....I will be posting some pics here the next 2 nights so don't miss out on your chance to get ALL the clues!!  (ck out last nights blog post for a clue as well) Here is the scoop from my facebook post just now--
Would you like to play a game? Get your copy of the new Mini Catalog, and guess the stamp sets according to the clues above. The stamp set for "C" is______ and the stamp set for "D" is______ (names don't necessarily start with these letters- Just an FYI)

You must send me an email with guesses to get entered in this contest. stampinfool2006@yahoo.com

I have 4 more clues/pictures to show in the next 2 days so check here daily for the other posts.
At the end of this game, whoever guesses the 8 stamp sets correctly, will be entered in a drawing to receive ANY BUNDLE OF YOUR CHOICE FROM THE MINI CATALOG!! YAY--PLEASE PLAY ALONG TO WIN!!


  1. Love today's card especially the DSP and the vellum. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks very much Kathy. Appreciate you stopping by.....
