Thursday, January 30, 2020

My Meadow Stamp Set from the Mini Catalog AND...........A NEW GAME FOR YOU TO PLAY AND WIN......KEEP READING!!

Before I tell you about what you have a chance to win-- lets take a look at a card sample for today shall we?

This was a card class project awhile back.
It is SO fun to create a beautiful scenery card using the My
Meadow set from the Mini Catalog OR the Waterfront
set from the Annual Catalog.  Is this your thing?
I really feel "artsy" when I get done and --Trust Me-- I
can't even draw a good stick person!!  LOL

Anyway, here are a few StampinUP products used:
--Peaceful Moments Stamp Set
--My Meadow Stamp Set
--In Color 6 x 6 paper (seaside spray)

If you have a question, please let me know.
 I am here to serve!!  Thank you--LORI

Okay, now more about my game.....I posted the last 2 pics/clues below and don't miss out on your chance to get ALL the clues!!  (ck out the last few nights blog posts for clues as well)

Would you like to play a game? Get your copy of the new Mini Catalog out, and guess the stamp sets according to the clues below. The stamp set for "G" is______ and the stamp set for "H" is______ (names don't necessarily start with these letters- Just an FYI)

You must send me an email with guesses to get entered in this contest.

This is the last post with clues!!!!  (6 more prior clues on this blog)
At the end of this game, whoever guesses the 8 stamp sets correctly, will be entered in a drawing to receive ANY BUNDLE OF YOUR CHOICE FROM THE MINI CATALOG!! YAY--PLEASE PLAY ALONG TO WIN!!


  1. Love your MY MEADOW sample today. I've looked at that set. There's so many pieces to it and I'm a little intimidated but perhaps I'll give it a try.

  2. Go for it Kathy!! I love all of those sets where I can feel artistic and "paint" a scene....
